Reclaimed wood is obtained from floors, wall panels and beams of the demolished buildings. It is considered as an eco-friendly solution for buildings along with adding unique charm and beauty for your building. If you are planning to use this kind of wood, give a thorough check about the company from whom you are buying this wood. Below are the few things you need to keep in mind while choosing a reclaimed wood for flooring.
Authenticity and materials used
Since using this reclaimed wood is becoming a trend in recent days, some manufacturers make wood look aged with artificial techniques. As a customer you have all the rights to know the quality of wood you are buying. Beams and think timbers are best for wooden flooring. These are stable and can prevent the wood from damages due to various reasons.
Klin-dried wood
To make sure your wooden surface is free from dents; infestation of insect’s wood should be klin-dried. Though many people think that this process is not necessary for old wood, it’s advisable to do this procedure to keep wood stable and compatible.
Dimensions of wood flooring
Long woods give natural look to your flooring because of its color and texture. Short woods may look clumsy and make the floor look ugly. People think that it’s the leftover from the buildings which is demolished but a good company can take care of this process finely and they will make sure wooden panels are removed properly. Average width of 6-7 inches and average length of 5-6 inches is good for flooring. Also, wood should undergo straight line ripping process in order to have a straight surface for flooring.
Packaging and Shipping
Some companies pack wooden panels randomly. Read reviews about the company, so that you get proper panels with your required dimensions and size. Also see how much time it will take for the company to deliver you panels and it should be reliable with your project. Key note here is if the company is running this business since long, you can trust the authenticity, guarantee of the quality of the panels they supply.