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Best Choices for the Perfect Spring Mattress for You Now

Buying an orthopedic mattress is a serious and responsible business. Firstly, it should not only be comfortable, but also useful, and secondly, worth the money that we are willing to pay. 

According to my observations, 90% of people, including not only my patients, feel back pain. Often the pain is caused by an improperly selected bed. Absolutely to all our patients we recommend orthopedic mattresses. Sleeping on an uneven surface is completely contraindicated. The surface for sleeping should be flat and proper. And even if you sleep on an even, but poor-quality mattress, it can deteriorate quite quickly, bumps, “humps” will appear, and your mattress will become unusable. You need to choose the best mattress manufacturer  there.

From this point of view, it is necessary to purchase a mattress once every several years, but of high quality and truly useful. As for the sofas, the same principle applies here, the main thing is that the surface for sleep is smooth. Veneto sofas, in which an orthopedic mattress is equipped, are ideally suited to this principle. Thus, despite the fact that it is a sofa, the surface is even and correct for a healthy sleep. 

How to navigate the rigidity of the mattress? 

Mattresses come in three levels of hardness: hard, semi-rigid and soft. In cases where you don’t have any spinal disorders and the mattress should be comfortable in the first place, we recommend choosing a semi-rigid mattress. Semi-rigid mattresses are suitable for almost everyone, the main thing is that it is convenient for you. If you feel more comfortable on a mattress of a different level of rigidity, focus on your feelings: the main thing is that you are comfortable. 

A hard spring mattress is the best suited for people suffering from severe pain or having intercostal hernia. With scoliosis of any stage, you should also choose a stiffer mattress. But here it should be remembered that with scoliosis of the 3rd and 4th stages, the mattress can reduce pain and serve as a preventive measure that protects against the development of the disease. At the 1st and 2nd stages of scoliosis, a hard mattress can only serve as a comfortable berth, but to rely on him as a panacea, alas, is wrong. The soft mattress is designed for people with a small body weight, and is also suitable for the elderly. Having brittle bones, a soft mattress can provide the most comfortable support to your body and become comfortable. 

How to understand mattress fillers 

In most cases, we recommend choosing mattresses that contain memory foam. Such mattresses are able to most successfully take the shape of the body of a lying person and provide comfort in any position. True, in this case, there are limitations: a memory-effect mattress must be chosen based on your own sleep: if you sleep peacefully all night and rarely roll over, such a mattress will be at your time. If during the night you often change your position, toss and turn, you should refuse the mattress with a memory effect. A hard mattress is more suitable for you, regardless of its fillers. 

Oliver Beau Martinez: Oliver, a home security expert, provides recommendations on security systems, safety tips, and ways to make homes more secure.