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How To Make Your Kitchen Safe For Children

As anyone with children will know, their safety is the be all and end all of being a parent. Accidents happen of course, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do our best to protect our little ones. Kitchen mishaps can be among the most serious incidents. So here are a few simple points to help eliminate some common dangers in your home. 

Safety Latches

Safety latches are probably already on your lower kitchen cupboards to keep any hazards inside away from children and their innate curiosity.

Latches can also be used to keep your fridge and/or freezer secure. As refrigerators do not open from the inside, children can get trapped and so a simple latch can prevent this ever happening. 

The same can be said for your dishwasher, if you have one. Some dishwashers can be opened while mid-cycle, releasing scorching hot water vapor out. A child wanting to imitate you loading and unloading the dishwasher may also be at risk from sharp objects and breakable items, so if you don’t have a latch make sure to empty the clean dishes promptly. 

Organise Your Cupboards

Some spices can be toxic to children if left unattended to consume large quantities. The same obviously goes for any chemicals you may have in your kitchen; bleach, oven cleaners or washing detergent and pods. 

You can have the safety latches to keep these products out of the hands of your children, but if you are still worried then move anything that can be ingested to a higher cupboard or shelf. 

The same goes for knives and scissors. Knife blocks should be well away from the edge of counter tops, and anything breakable should be stored somewhere out of reach. 

Cover Sharp Edges And Outlets

Kids hit their heads all the time. It is a fact of life like the sunrise. Knowing this, we should be looking out for any potentially dangerous areas of the house that would cause serious injury if (when) a child runs headlong into it. 

In the kitchen table corners and cupboard doors are the most common hazards for bumps, so cushioning these areas is a priority.

Getting safety plugs for any unused outlets is a cheap and simple prevention method too. 

General Upkeep

Here are some Guide to Kitchen Cabinets that you need to know to keep your children safe. Something that can easily go unnoticed is the state of your appliances. Treat your kitchen like a place of business, where electrical health and safety checks are a legal requirement. 

Check any electrical appliances regularly for signs of damage, and purchase cord shorteners for any extra dangling wires. 

Make sure the stove has no signs of gas leaks and keep a carbon monoxide detector close. Stove covers are also available for an extra layer of protection. 

Loose pan handles are a risk for those older kids who are tall enough to reach the counter tops. It’s also worth noting that the oven door doesn’t get too hot to touch from the outside, and if it does a safety gate can work for when you are cooking. 

Oliver Beau Martinez: Oliver, a home security expert, provides recommendations on security systems, safety tips, and ways to make homes more secure.