Visit the place with an architect
Calling on an architect is essential on this type of project in order to verify its feasibility. He will diagnose the condition of the load-bearing walls and identify the weak points to negotiate the price condition of the frame, humidity , cracks , etc. With Ristrutturazioni Complete you can have the best deals now.
Check the servicing
Better to check from the start if the land is serviced, that is to say connected to mains drainage, electricity and water. If this is not the case, take into account from the start the cost of this additional work to integrate them into your renovation budget.
Consult the land register and the PLU
If the building you have just visited really caught your eye, it is time to take the steps further:
Also check the Local Urban Plan (PLU) to find out the type of area where the ruined dwelling is located. If it is in a building zone, you shouldn’t have to worry about rehabilitating it. If it is a natural or agricultural area, check with your town hall for the procedure to follow. She will send you an urban planning certificate in order to find out the applicable rules regarding the feasibility of your project.
Prepare the project with your architect
How do you want to rehabilitate this ruined house? This is the question you need to ask yourself with your expert. You can modernize it by keeping the old walls but adding a contemporary extension in wood or steel as well as a flat roof, or do everything possible to restore the building to its original cachet.
Invest in renewable energies
Even if it means restoring a house from A to Z, you might as well take this opportunity to make it as energy efficient as possible. Invest in a heat pump, photovoltaic solar panels , etc., so that it consumes as little energy as possible and thus saves money in the long term.
Allow time and energy
This type of rehabilitation project is reserved for people with enough time and energy. The future owner of the premises will have to be invested in the restoration and go there quite often. Nothing to do with building a turnkey house
The Council: call on a group of craftsmen for the work
A house in ruins to renovate means having to call on several trades. When you don’t know the local businesses, it can be tricky to find a good mason or electrician you can trust. A good solution could be to call on a consortium of construction companies. You will have a single point of contact for your work and the different companies are used to working together.